Due to regulatory developments - Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 concerning Crowdfunding Service Providers (CSPs) - Akuo Group decided to transfer its crowdfunding activities to Lendosphere, a leader in crowdfunding for the energy transition since 2014. This decision involved the sale of AkuoCoop to Lendosphere and the launch of the portal, AkuoCoop by Lendosphere, dedicated to investors in Akuo Group projects.


All ongoing projects will be taken over by the new platform without any modifications. Your investments will remain unchanged and will continue to follow the same terms and schedules originally planned.


No, this transition will not impact the returns on your investments. All terms and conditions of your current investments will be honoured according to the original agreements.


You will be able to access all your information and project updates through the AkuoCoop by Lendosphere portal after updating your investor profile. Detailed instructions have been emailed to registered users of the old AkuoCoop platform to assist you in logging into your new account and navigating the new interface. For further information, please contact us:


No, there will be no fees for investors due to this transition. Moreover, at AkuoCoop by Lendosphere, everything is free for investors.


A dedicated team has been established to ensure a smooth and seamless transition. All investor data and information have been securely transferred, and Lendosphere's customer support is available to address any questions you may have. For further information, please contact us:


The new AkuoCoop by Lendosphere portal will offer you new investment opportunities in projects from the Akuo Group. You will have access to a broader range of projects, with diversified options to meet your investment goals.



Individuals can invest under three conditions: they must be of legal age, have a bank account in euros, and open a Lendosphere account.

Legal entities can also invest under two conditions: they must have a bank account in euros and open a Lendosphere account.


A Lendosphere account is a payment account opened in your name with our payment service provider (Lemon Way). This Lendosphere account will give you access to a secure personal space that will allow you to invest and track your investments.

If you are an individual:

Simply provide your first name, last name, email address, phone number, postal address, tax residence, nationality, and date of birth. For security and compliance with anti-money laundering regulations, you will also need to upload two forms of identification (such as ID card, passport, driver's license), a proof of address dated within the last three months (utility bill, etc.), and an official bank document including your bank details.

If you are a legal entity:

Provide the first name, last name, and email address of the legal representative, along with the postal address, company name, legal form, and SIRET number of the entity. For security and compliance with anti-money laundering regulations, you must also upload an ID proof (ID card or passport) of the legal representative, a proof of address dated within the last three months (utility bill, etc.), and documents including the KBIS (French business registry extract) dated within the last three months, the articles of association, and the bank details.

In both cases, you will also need to complete your investor profile by taking a knowledge assessment test and a simulator to assess your capacity to bear losses. Your Lendosphere account will be opened within 48 hours.


Only transaction fees may be charged to you, and this happens only if you credit your payment account and then withdraw the funds without lending them. In such a case, a fee of 1% of the withdrawn amount will be charged to you.


You can credit your Lendosphere account by credit card, bank transfer, or check. You will find the necessary information to credit your account in your personal space.


The money you credit to your Lendosphere account remains yours. Your funds never pass through our servers or bank accounts. Transactions are secured by Lemon Way, an authorized payment institution supervised by the French Prudential Supervisory Authority (ACPR) under the responsibility of the Banque de France.


Lemon Way is approved by the ACPR (Prudential Supervisory Authority) as a payment institution under the interbank code CIB 16568J, and the SWIFT code LEWAFR21 (see the Financial Agents Register). This approval entails ongoing supervision by the ACPR under the oversight of the Banque de France. For more information, visit


You can transfer all or part of the available balance of your Lendosphere account to your bank account in euros whenever you wish. Simply provide your bank details. Like any transfer, it will be processed within three business days following your request.


Please email us at Our payment service provider will close your account. If you have ongoing repayments, your account will remain active until the final repayment date to receive all your reimbursements.


The projects featured on Lendosphere are chosen for their financial solidity and their contribution to energy transition. Choose projects that align with your investment goals. Some projects are reserved for specific investors, depending on their location.


Lendosphere offers the following investment tools: loans, simple or convertible bonds, and shares. Each project listed corresponds to a single investment tool.


Yes. There is no intermediary or additional subscriptions. The identity of the project developer is detailed on each project page. Some projects may have an exception, investments involving shares may be indirect. In this case, you will invest in an intermediary company created and managed by Lendosphere, whose sole purpose is to invest in the project developer's company. A diagram of this indirect investment is detailed on the pages of the relevant projects.


We select projects based on two sets of criteria: their economic relevance according to Lendosphere's analysis criteria and the seriousness of their environmental approach. All projects undergo financial and accounting analysis, and only those meeting Lendosphere's criteria are selected and featured on the platform.

Regarding the seriousness of their environmental approach, we use internal expertise to exclude projects that do not contribute to ecological transition. Lendosphere has also been authorized by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity to label projects as "Crowdfunding for Green Growth."


You can invest starting from €50 per project. The maximum investment amount is set for each project and can be found on the project page. You can invest in as many projects as you like on Lendosphere.
Lendosphere advises savers to exercise caution before making any investment: investing in projects carries risks of illiquidity and operational risks that may lead to lower-than-expected profitability, as well as risks of partial or total loss of the invested amount and non-payment of interest. Do not invest in something you do not fully understand.


For amortized credit operations, the gross amount repaid at each installment remains the same, while the portion of interest decreases and the portion of capital repayment increases over time.

For in fine credit operations, you receive interest payments at each installment. The repayment of the entire capital amount occurs at the final installment.

You can find detailed repayment schedules on each project page. Additionally, a simulator on each project page allows you to understand and anticipate the specific repayments for each operation.

Note: Due to rounding rules and tax applied to gross interest, some installments may differ slightly by a few cents. Any adjustments are made during the final payment.


Yes, once you confirm your investment, your money is locked in the Lendosphere the project developer account until the campaign has ended. For information regarding the cancellation of your offer, please see the next question.


An investment can be cancelled in the following cases:

  • If the fundraising target is not met and Lendosphere decides to cancel the operation,
  • If the project is withdrawn in the interest of investors.
In both cases, investors will receive their entire investment back.



No, crowdfunding offers and investments in unlisted companies involve specific risks:

  • Risk of total or partial loss of invested capital: There is a risk of non-payment and loss of your capital in case of project developer default,
  • Liquidity risk: These investments typically have a long-term duration,
  • Return on investment may depend on the success of the funded project.

You can find real-time statistics on default rates and payment delays on the Lendosphere in numbers page. Past performance does not guarantee future results.



At the end of the fundraising operation, you will receive the final contractual documentation related to your investment in your personal account and via email. This documentation directly connects you to the project developer and includes, among other details, the repayment schedule for your loan in debt projects.


Repayments start from the first installment date as indicated in the amortization schedule you receive. The repayment frequency is specified on the project page.
Before each payment, the borrower company credits their Lendosphere account with the total amount due to all lenders. On the due date, according to the schedule available in the contract and on your account, you receive your repayment.
A project holder may decide to repay early; in such cases, you receive the remaining capital on your Lendosphere account, along with any applicable penalties.
If the project developer misses a repayment deadline, they have 2 days to rectify the delay. If not rectified and in case of default, lenders may hire a debt collection agency.
Upon completion of the final payment, you are no longer connected to the project developer. You can continue to monitor the project's progress through its website.


Lendosphere is your point of contact for any questions regarding your investment, up until the end of your investment. You can contact us by email or (+33) 01 82 83 97 52


For your tax questions, click here.


Lendosphere regularly sends investors news about the projects they have financed. Depending on the opportunities, you may be invited to site visits, construction site visits, etc. to see what your investment is being used for!