

In accordance with Regulation 2020/1503 of October 7, 2020, Lendosphere has implemented this Complaints Procedure, pursuant to Article 7 of said Regulation, and in accordance with Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/2117.


Filing a Complaint

A complaint can be submitted by any means, including via the standard complaint form available in PDF format below. Complaints can be submitted:


Acknowledgment of Receipt and Admissibility

Lendosphere acknowledges receipt of any complaint and informs the complainant of the admissibility of their complaint within 10 business days from receipt. When a complaint does not meet the admissibility conditions, Lendosphere provides the complainant with a clear explanation of the reasons why their complaint was deemed inadmissible.

The acknowledgment of receipt contains the following elements:

  • Identity and contact details of the service to which the complainant can address any request related to their complaint, specifically:

Lendosphere Complaints Service

94 rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris

(+33) 01 82 83 97 52

  • The timeframe within which a decision related to a complaint is notified, specifically 30 days.


Review of Complaints

Upon receipt of an admissible complaint, Lendosphere evaluates, without undue delay, whether the complaint is clear and complete, particularly if it contains all relevant information and evidence. If a complaint lacks clarity or is incomplete, Lendosphere promptly requests the necessary additional information or evidence required for the proper handling of the complaint. Lendosphere endeavors to gather and examine all relevant information and evidence regarding a complaint. Lendosphere keeps complainants duly informed of the additional measures taken to address their complaint and responds to their reasonable requests for information without undue delay.



Lendosphere reviews all complaints in a timely and fair manner and communicates the results of their review to the complainant within a reasonable timeframe. In its decision regarding a complaint, Lendosphere addresses all points raised in the complaint and provides the reasons for the outcome of its review.

Complaints presenting similar circumstances result in consistent decisions unless Lendosphere provides an objective justification for any deviation from a previous decision.

When the decision does not satisfy the complainant’s request or only partially satisfies it, it is duly justified and contains information about available remedies.

A response to the complaint will be sent, including the contact details of the service to contact within Lendosphere (identity, contact details, email address, and phone number), within a maximum of thirty (30) business days from receipt, except in the occurrence of duly justified special circumstances. In the event that, due to exceptional circumstances, Lendosphere is unable to respond within this timeframe, Lendosphere will contact the complainant to inform them of the reason for the delay and indicate when Lendosphere will be able to respond. This procedure applies to all complaints received, in a fair manner.


Communication with Complainants

Lendosphere will communicate the result of the complaint in writing and electronically, or by postal mail upon the complainant’s request, to the address provided by the complainant. Lendosphere will retain a copy of this response in the Complaint file on its server. The complaints procedure is also accessible via the general terms of use of Lendosphere.



Here are the contact details for the AMF mediator.


We provide a standard complaint form, which you can download here and complete to file a complaint with Lendosphere. We remain available for any questions regarding this procedure.